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Have fun in NY, Soxy!!!

The mystery of the hat buyer continues... Kelly was it you??

Speaking of Kelly, we got the chance to officially meet at Opening Day! :) Good thing she noticed me, because I'm so oblivious once I get into Fenway that my own mother could walk by me and I wouldn't see her!!

So, not as many pictures as usual in the albums. Kelly was right when she said that lens REALLY needs light. (Note to self: MORE DAY GAMES!!) Even the cloudy day was a slight factor for Opening Day. Thank heavens we were close to the action. For Dice K's first game, we were on the Monster...freezing cold + lack of light + distance = not alot of presentable pics!


***Speaking of Kelly, we got the chance to officially meet at Opening Day! :)***

Let me guess, she saw a big honking camera.....:)

Mark is doing really well as a Bat, anyone going?




OOO we must need a Bellhorn pic to keep folks interested! Who has a new one??


The man is ripping it up!!

**Bellhorn, a major league veteran who was named Louisville's Hitter of the Month earlier in the day, went 2 for 3 with three RBIs and a walk and raised his batting average to .300.**


Louisville 5, Ottawa 2

OTTAWA, Ontario - Mark Bellhorn's two-run homer in the first led the Bats past the Lynx in the International League



They had an article in the Boston Globe yesterday that showed all the players in the Majors under the Mendoza(sp?) line and I laughed because last I looked Mark was batting close to 300


Sooo.....will Clemens make 'all the difference in the world' to the MFY's?


re: Clemons...I hope his age catches up to him!!!

I wonder if Mark is happier in the Minors? It sure seems that way.


I'd like to see Veritek's glove catch up to him the way it did to A-Rod.

Eryn, that's a good question.


I don't Clemons will make much of an impact. One player can not make a team perform better. He is never going to be in the clubhouse and he is not traveling with team. He will be there once every 5 days. Bid deal. I was not all that crazy to have him in Boston. Great player. I think he would have a better a year in Boston, out bullpin is much better than MFY.

Oh well, it will be interesting to watch. Maybe Matt will come back in the starting rotation! (ha, don't count on it!)


All I can think of is Randy Johnson. I'd like Roger to blow the deciding game for the playoffs at Fenway. I just hope he's Pitching at Fenway the first week of June


Looks like Millar has rubbed off on Nixon!



Trot! Who knew!


OOOO and it looks like Trot put on a few in the off season! ;) I was trying to get to one of those O's/Indians games.... damn work, etc.! Too busy!


***Even the cloudy day was a slight factor for Opening Day.***

You know, even the pro photos from Opening Day weren't that good. There was just something about the light. You got some good ones, though--particularly liked the one of Ichiro leaping in front of the Monster! ^_^

I actually decided that I could allow myself a camera-free day for Daisuke's first Fenway start. Figured everyone else would have it covered. ;)

***Let me guess, she saw a big honking camera.....:)***

Actually, back in SD I'd taken a picture of Mark that had Eryn in it, and so when I walked by her in one of the passageways by the field I was like "Hey... I know her!" I was actually sitting, oh, about 40 rows behind her on Opening Day, so I could see her camera in action. ;)

I think Clemens will matter to the Yankees only because they so desperately need pitching. I didn't especially want him for Boston regardless, but once the season started I DEFINITELY didn't want him. If he wasn't going to slug it out for the whole year, I didn't want him on the team.


Did you know ESPN's April 22 game between Boston and MFY, with Dice-K on the mound, was the highest rated regular-season game since Mark McGwire hit his 61st homer nine years ago?



Really H. Welcome out of the woodwork Kelly and Eryn.


Morning all!
Anyone one realize Lugo was so fast? I couldn't believe the way he ran the bases last night,


Hey all! Orioles game photos coming soon!!! We had super great seats on Saturday. Almost TOO close for that lens!!

We got to meet Donny Osmond. He's alot shorter than he looks on TV. ;) Must have just been there to see the game, because he never sang.


Did he look a little bit country or a little bit rock-n-roll?


hahahaha!! We did notice he was wearing big shoes....


I never thought of him in a way that looking at big shoes would make me think or anything else. Did that make sense?
Pleast tell me you took a picture.


Has anyone been following the Bats? I was wondering because I don't get why the Reds didn't call Mark up instead of Kepp????er. Mark has better numbers?


Hey ladies,
I really haven't kept up with Louisville, but everytime i go on the site and check out Mark I never see him playing?? Has he played??

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