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Ooops... I didn't mean to cut off the discussion in the other thread... Please continue here! :) Excitement over the new photos made me get ahead of myself!!


Those are amazing. I'd have to say this one is my fave..


Thanks so much for sharing!!


I am speechless. I LOVE them all.
Drool bucket...plezzzzeeee


E, do you think he was looking at the lens in this pic?



So very nice...hehe...drooling right about now. Does anyone have an extra drool bucket...wow!

H- I think he is looking at the lens in this picture...



Well... as H (and Kelly!) can attest... that lens isn't exactly SMALL and inconspicuous! It couldn't have been more obvious who the "victim" was... haha! The poor man - as if Kelly and I weren't bad enough last year!! Can you imagine how we will stick out if we go to any MINOR league games? Good heavens!


Sox pics are up too. Can't figure out why it won't let me use the same configuration for the thumbnail on this page... it's cutting off Delcarmen's head and feet. I might have to delete it and start over. But for now, it's there! :)


Nicely done, Eryn! ^_^ Almost makes up for not seeing him myself... almost! ;)

Yeah, the lens is not subtle. I was shooting from standing room March 8 and folks kept ducking when they saw it.


Hey gals,
Eryn--Those are awesome pics! You take some great pictures like Kelly! Are u going to take more? Hehe

Jenn--If he is with Louisville at that time(at Pawtucket), take some good pics.

And I know this is a new thread, but I wanna quickly commment on the last one. I used 2 be involved in Pro Wrestling. Let me tell u, the smaller, independent scene of wrestling is just about the same as the minors-actually probably a bit worse than the minors. When we get booked we have to use our $ for travel, food, gas(if driving), and much more. The $ u make on a given night well it goes to the travel and motel stays. You really only end up with 5 or 10 bucks, and sometimes 0.

I can totally understand what those guys go through. It's harsh, but it's something that you stick with if u love the business and love what ur doing. Just like wrestling, when u have a dream you're going to chase it till u get there to the big time and you'll sacrifice what u need to in order to get there. It's rough. Well, sorry for making this long!! Just wanted to comment on the story. Great find by the way, Eryn. It was a good read :)


Hey Eryn--I know other pics were posted above about Mark looking at u, but was he really in this pic? haha


Did he notice u at all?


** Jenn--If he is with Louisville at that time(at Pawtucket), take some good pics. **

Oh, definitely! Hopefully I'll have a better camera by then since my old one doesn't really zoom anymore. =(

I usually sit out in the berm in left field but I may have to see if I can get the red (lowest) seats in view of the visitor's dugout, ahaha.


Hey Eryn, good job on the pictures! He hides his eyes so can you ever really tell if he's looking at you? Anyway, thanks for sharing them and taking them, although a trip to FL in March is not to hard to take.


So he can deny a Minor League deal?

Outfielder Bubba Crosby was sent outright to Triple-A Louisville on Saturday afternoon. Crosby was out of Minor League options and had to clear waivers first. He has 72 hours to accept the assignment and will become a free agent if he declines it.


Bubba Crosby didn't sign a minor league deal--he signed a one-year major league deal, which means he is entitled to opt out if he gets sent to the minors. Mark signed a minor league deal with an invitation (not a commitment) to major league camp.

McCoy is great for watching games, but it's a pain for photography because there's no way not to shoot down at players from the elevated seating. :-/ So I really hope when Mark comes back to the Boston area it will be with the Reds!


Oh, definitely! Hopefully I'll have a better camera by then since my old one doesn't really zoom anymore. =(

--Thanks Jenn! Can't wait for those pics.
Have you ever met Mark?


Once again thank you for explaining things Kelly.


Totally busted Eryn, that whole row of pictures is pretty much worth me sending you a large check


He must shave his arms! I wonder how fast arm hair grows?


**Have you ever met Mark?**

Nope! :( I saw him in Pawtucket back in '05 but at that point didn't realize the players were really available after the games.. so I didn't go down to the parking lot area. Wish I had known cause I've seen pics on Webshots of people posing with him the same night I was there, lol.


Sucky news! I don't think I've ever heard anyone say, ".defensively, he was shaky."

Cuts and the Opening Day lineup

The Reds cut outfielder Dewayne Wise, infielders Anderson Machado and Mark Bellhorn and catcher Ryan Jorgensen. All were re-assigned to the minor-league camp.

In Bellhorn's case, he has the option of taking his release. He had a decent spring at the plate -- .250, a home and eight RBI in 40 at-bats. But defensively, he was shaky.


UGH! That does not sound good... :(


that doesn't sound good..poor thing!


Hi Eryn: I going to the fan fest event in baltimore next weekend??


I meant are you going?


Wow, that really sucks. He seemed to be doing so well until the last few games. I know he had a throwing error that caused an unearned run and the loss. Poor Mark. :(

Hopefully something happens and he'll be able to be invited up during the season. Think positively! :)

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