« And the stockings were hung in the outfield with care, in hopes that the Trotman still would be there... | Main | It's TRUCK DAY!! »



88 days until opening day... I have my tickets, but not my boys! Where are Christopher and Mark????


Eryn, that is a good!!!!!!! picture of Mark.


OK! I've comeback to look at that picture about 25 times today, it's the mouth I'm smitten...you stink Eryn!!!!:)


I'm late to the last comments, but I did appreciate that Herald shot of Hansen, yes. ^_^

Went to the "New Stars for Young Stars" signing, bad photos here:

... and the BBWA dinner, somewhat better if uncaptioned photos here:

I didn't shoot the pups who weren't at the head table, but did go up to chat with a group of them when I saw Brandon Moss and Clay Buchholz among them. Had this conversation after welcoming them to Boston:

Me, peering intently at a new handsome face: "You must be George Kottaras."

GK: "Yeah." [smiles]

Buchholz: "It's gotta be the hair."

Busted...! He does have excellent hair. Nice looking group of youngsters, but too many crew cuts for my taste!

And speaking of my taste, I certainly wouldn't mind having some news of either one of those handsome fellows up top...


Nice Pats game yesterday....I am having a bit of a 'baseball focus' problem right now....I am still in football mode.

When is truck day?


Last year Truck Day was Monday, February 13; I haven't seen the date for this year yet. So it's relatively safe to stay football-obsessed through the Super Bowl. ^_~

I have to say that if the Chargers and especially their team management hadn't been so snarky in the past week, I might have rooted for the Bolts on behalf of my long-suffering SD buddies, but not selling tix to New Englanders in particular was bush league. Watching "the other #12" come through in the clutch again was very satisfying...


***Watching "the other #12"***

Tommy boy pulled through in the end big time! I think he got too much credit in the press. Quarterbacks always get the too much credit when they win and too much blame when they lose. I personally I love Troy Brown, he’s my favorite player.

Speaking of favorite players. I’ve watched the last few walk-off Monday Red Sox games and in each game I’ve seen Mark does outstanding and has a lot! of clutch hits.


That Pat's game was great!! Kelly - I agree part of me (a tiny part of me) wanted Marty Shotheimer (sp?) to win the poor guy hasn't won for so long he has gotten so close...but he was facing the pats so I had to root my boys on. But the ticket thing and the whole putting up a platform and preparing for you pre-superbowl rally is jumping the gun and disrepectful...I was so glad when the lost. Tommy boy wasn't the star of that game though...he got a little bit more credit than he deserved. In my opinion that was a team win and they got a bit lucky. Now the colts are next...ohhh...boy...that should be interesting.


That wasn't a game for Brady's highlight reel, no, but it's kinda like starting pitching in baseball: you might get a win or a loss you don't deserve, but you're the one who sets the tone. That was a team win, but Tom's certainly the one I wanted with the ball in his hand when SD spit the bit and offered up the game.


Eryn, where did you get the picture at the top of the page?


Nevermind I found it and all your photo's I forgot how funny the NY captions were:)


Is she at it again? on the dl?


DL? I don't see anything new there...???


HUH!? I'm not going on there from work, look again.


Looks like a good sale....



Have you seen this?



???, I've heard good things about those trips. They're not inexpensive, but when you tally up the stuff you get it's apparently a decent price. (And these days, given what you might pay for tix if you can't get 'em at face, probably even a better deal!)


The Texas one and the AZ one are really cheep! If they include hotel, air and tickets!




Re: That DL site

It's wintertime again. Perfect timing, huh?


???--no airfare included on those packages, as far as I know.


I hope that u guys don't mind me posting here. I found ur site from another site, and that site was linked from another. Anyways, i've read old posts and read what went on in here last year. My goodness, that was so wrong what that person did to u guys. You guys are obviously some of Mark Bellhorn's biggest fans in the world. It's obvious that u guys go far to see him and travel around the country. I just couldn't believe how ignorant some people are. That was wrong what they did to you.

I have gone on a couple of other Mark Bellhorn sites. I like this one; i like the pictures on here of him in San Diego. I just thought I'd post now since i saw that new post about him and the chatroom stuff. I was able to tell right away from reading your old messages that it wasn't him. It just didn't sound like it would be him. This time around, i don't know. It still doesn't sound like he would do something like that. Could he?

I hope u guys don't mind a new poster, i would tell ya where i found the link to this website but i can't remember which Mark Bellhorn site it was. I see it's mainly about the red sox, but i don't know too much about the red sox. I just know about Mark Bellhorn. I hope u guys can accept me on here. :)


Soxy, nothing beats winter in New England!
Then there are the first signs of spring.
The Beanpot
The Truck Leaving Fenway....

Kelly, still not a bad price for AZ and TX, if the hotels are really nice and the tickets are really good.


Ann, tell ud about yourself.


Hi All~
No news on Mark yet? Damn, when is somebody going to sign his sexy ass....Opps did I say that out loud? Sorry, no disrespect! ;)

Ladies, football is almost over and Truck day is around the corner....

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