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Since Kevin is back in Baltimore, the title of this post is my (probably far-fetched)Christmas wish! Are you listening Santa??? Can you hear me???? Get it done!!! (And I don't want to hear any excuses like "But, Theo is Jewish...")


What's this I hear about SNOW?


***am I missing something***

Kelly the picture on BDD from Friday.

I miss Trott already:( They can't take Manny and Trott!

***What's this I hear about SNOW?***
Snow in Boston this morning...have I said yet I HATE THE COLD!!!!!


***"But, Theo is Jewish..."***

"Daisuke, the good news is we can offer you 6 years at $15 million per. The bad news... well... do you have Hanukkah gelt in Japan?"

Thanks for hanging a stocking for me! ^_^ I think I'd just be grateful if Julio Lugo is NOT in there Christmas morning...!

Anyone else get the Canine Companions for Independence calendar? Just a bit envious of these pups' paws... ^_^


Glad to have you on our mantle, Kelly! :) Mental note: No Julio Lugo, No Julio Lugo...

AWE! I didn't see them at Fenway this past year selling the calendars. Usually I get one! Those are some lucky pups!! ;)

It's frickin' freezing here today too. In the 20's this morning!

My friend bought me a beanie baby this weekend... it's a little bear holding a baseball... his name is "Shortstop". How cute is that???!


***Anyone else get the Canine Companions for Independence calendar? Just a bit envious of these pups' paws... ***

I think that's the first photo I've seen that I've thought he was a cutie in. I want a puppy!

I third the "No Julio Lugo"


This year's CCI "Pups in the Park" calendar just came out--it runs (generously) 11/06 through 1/08.

While I don't love the cold, it was actually nice to see snow for a little while today; last Friday I didn't even wear a coat to work, which makes it hard to get into the December holiday spirit...


Kelly, who do they have for each month?


I love the Pups in the Park Calendar...I bought one in 05. I couldn't find the calendar in 06...


Nov '06: Mirabelli
Dec '06: Kapler
January: Loretta
February: Cora
March: Coco
April: Schill
May: Wake
June: Youk
July: Lowell
August: Wily Mo
September: Tek
October: Beckett
November: Hansen
December: MDC
January: Pedroia

Loretta's picture is great--he and the dog he's with have the same bright-eyed, reliable, friendly expression. Cora is reclining with a puppy and very cute.


ooo, stockings are back up...
hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving.I was actually in the States for it! but came back home to subzero temperatures, (-40) needless to say the car wouldn't start at the airport.. anyway not started my christmas shopping yet, (except for the dog, who has around 10 presents at the last count... so at least I've got the important ones out of the way!)
probably will have to get my act together, sort of missed the last post to the UK around 5 weeks ago, but did buy the xmas cards today!


NEGATIVE 40!!! I sure hope you mean CELSIUS!!! Yikes! And UGH, did you say Christmas Cards?? I really need to get the ball rolling on that one!!

Celt, remind me to tell you about the little "gift" on my phone bill. Apparently I forgot that Canada ISN'T in the United States! ;) haha!! BTW - I'm pushing for a new 400 mm lens for "our" camera for Christmas...The image stablization one. Keep your fingers crossed!! ;)

So I just looked at the BDD pic of The Papelbon's. I swear Ashley did NOT have those twins in August. I even asked John, who would be more likely to remember them than me... even he thinks they're a recent "addition".


I just saw the BDD picture.

***I swear Ashley did NOT have those twins in August.***

Maybe she's a little cold? Could explain why she's wearing half a fur coat. I hear that shade of fake bake is known as Ooompa Loompa Orange.


**even he thinks they're a recent "addition"**

A wedding gift perhaps? (didn’t he just get married?)
Do I have to start saving my dollar bills for Pole-Santa?


**that shade of fake bake is known as Ooompa Loompa Orange**

Why does she have a tan line? You fake tan topless?


**she's wearing half a fur coat.**

That way she's only HALF as bad for killing an innocent animal in the name of fashion!

You know, if you girls are REALLY "good", the pole Santa might very well make a reappearance! :)

"Why Pole Santa, is that a lump of coal in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?"


***Why Pole Santa, is that a lump of coal in your pocket or are you just happy to see us?"

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Poledance


Lester's cancers in Remission! They are even thinking he might be able to go to spring training.

****Red Sox pitcher Jon Lester has been cleared by doctors to end chemotherapy.

"He's going to have one more treatment and then he's done," Boston manager Terry Francona said at baseball's winter meetings. "So, from where I sit, the meetings are already a success."

Lester, a left-handed rookie, was 7-2 with a 4.76 ERA and 60 strikeouts in 81 1-3 innings before ending his season early when diagnosed with anaplastic large cell lymphoma.*****


Great news about Jon Lester.

Oh and JD Drew says, "Hi, Boston."



Great news about Lester. Did you know that the Yankees sent him flowers when he first got sick!? As much as I hate the Yankees that's a class move.

The radio said this morning that Drew is laid back and not very emotional. I hope he does well in Boston.


They sighned LUGO! I don't think I like that.


Kelly is NOT going to be happy.


I am not digging any of these deals.


***Kelly is NOT going to be happy.***

You got that right. >:{ Chad Finn put it better than I could: "The Sox will regret this, they will regret this soon, and they will regret this dearly. I've never understood Theo's fascination with this average, erratic ballplayer, and I'm pretty sure I never will."

I did feel a little better about the Drew signing when Bill Mueller had very nice things to say about him and actually compared Drew's playing style to his own.


I my opinion, Theo is trying to creat magic out of ordinary players. Finding the 'heart'. A repeat of 2004. Our 2004 team was great, but on paper, we were not. Theo needs to buy PROVEN talent, first rate talent. Not second rate talent....we are going to finish 3ed.

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