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This made me laugh... hee

**Personally I think that even if the entire team had been back in 2005 it would have turned ugly, whether Schill snapped and strangled Manny, or Pedro lost it and locked Schill in an equipment trunk, or D-Lowe stole someone's wife, or what. ;)**

You all know I would LOVE to see Farty Millar back in the line-up. And isn't that picture of him on Surviving Grady just adorable!! Let the biting begin.

How funny is it that the "Bellhorn T-shirt" photo is also on SG this week...


That article that wouldn't open said this:

***It was late August when Johnny Damon took a long, hard look around the clubhouse and was appalled at what he saw.

"Let's go [bleep-bleepers], wake up," Damon shouted. The center fielder had had enough of the Yankees' listlessness; it was so disturbingly different from the crazy energy he once shared with the Red Sox at Fenway. But instead of rallying the Yankees, Damon was met with silence.

That, and a cold stare across the room from Randy Johnson. Damon was so unnerved by the apathy, he later asked a team official, "Did I do something wrong?"

Sadly, that incident serves as a microcosm of the 2006 Yankees...***

Meanwhile, I think Kevin was trying to lay the groundwork with Theo the last weekend of this season...


I love the new picture, smiles and curls OH MY!

Kelly, I thing Kevin has been laying the groundwork since the day he lef:) and from what I read Bronson is laying a little groundwork himself to come back to Boston.


E, I LOVE that pic. It is fantastic. Perfect timing!


You know, that reminds me - I really need to finish the last three games worth of pictures!!


This is just SICK and WRONG!!



mm, very interesting ???
he should be very careful about the double jeopardy thing though, in the UK this year, that law was squashed and a guy who admitted killing someone after he was found innocent years ago was retried this year and is now in jail!

so how is everyone?


There's so much more energy in that picture alone than in this season's NLCS. Normally, a back and forth kind of series would be enthralling, but I don't know...it's kind of missing that oompf that AL baseball brings.

...good grief do I miss the 04 team.

Soxy found Mr. (W)Right

???, that article is insane. OJ "confessing", another sting ray attack, and banning tag from recess...what in the hell is going on?


Who knew a stingray could JUMP into a boat??? WTF???

OJ is definitely insane. If the straightjacket fits, you must NOT acquit! Too bad they couldn't find some loophole (like Celt said) and try is sorry ass again. BUT...Even though I always thought he did it, I've never thought he did it alone...

I'm feeling BAD BAD BAD for the Mets this morning. That game was SO good last night - but in the end SO bad... (Chad) Bradford Pear Tree was doing so well against the Cards...Perez kicking butt and then lucking out with that amazing Chavez catch...Pedro watching from the rail.... I thought for sure they would win.

What we need now is another SWEEP of the Cardinals. Let's go TIGERS!!!!

Oh, and Soxy dear...do we have a confession??? Mr. (W)Right??


***I'm feeling BAD BAD BAD for the Mets this morning***

So am I! I think if you have to lose game seven it's better for it to be a blowout.

Soxy, I hope Mr. (W)right doesn’t have a secret stash of bronzer! (that was your story?)


But let's hope he still delivers meat!! ;)


Did you all see that Dave Madigan from the Padres is Boston's new hitting coach.... didn't Kelly mention something about him recently??


***didn't Kelly mention something about him recently??***

Yes, amoung other things that Mark started doing no-so-great at bat after Madigan was let go.

***But let's hope he still delivers meat!!**
I don't remember what that means but I do remember laughing about it. Is that weird?


Mr. Right? Juicy....does he file?



**does he file?**


Magadan's approach to hitting--an emphasis on walks and trying to hit the right pitches--seems in line both with the Sox front office philosophy and with what worked for Mark. Mark was struggling before Mags was fired in SD, but he was a lot worse under Rettemund, who replaced Mags.

Soxy loves baseball

Okay, so Mr. (W)Right isn't really for me...it's actually through work. I have a function in December and I just landed a certain NL 3rd baseman for the event. Working in television does have its benefits! Happy day all around. ;)

On a personal note, I did get engaged last month (yay!)...to a Yanker fan (boo!).


Wow, Soxy--it must be love, huh? ^_^ Congratulations!


Soxy! GREAT NEWS!!!!


***I just landed a certain NL 3rd baseman for the event***

Anyone we know?

Here's a question!
How would the Sox look next year if you were Theo?


***This year's Hall of Fame class includes Jerry Remy, ???Dave Roberts???,
Joe Morgan, Vern Stephens, George Scott, Ellis Kinder, Dick
Williams and Red Sox Vice President Dick Bresciani.***

Not to take away the stolen base but that's a little crazy!


Dave Roberts isn't being inducted into the Hall--"The Steal" is earning an award:

***Dave Roberts will also be honored as this year's "Memorable Moment" selection for his stolen base in the 9th inning of Game 4 of the 2004 American League Championship Series.***


I would have loved to go, were it not $350 a head. :-/


***How would the Sox look next year if you were Theo?***



***Anyone we know?***

David Wright (mets). He's a native of the area. I'm working on trying to get Michael Cuddyer (hello, mr. hottie) and the Upton brothers (B.J. and Justin) as well for this event that the station I work for is hosting since they are natives of the area as well. Keep your fingers crossed!

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